
6 Easy Steps Do Employee Background Checks

An employee background check examines the criminal history of a potential candidate including driving record, as well as whether they’re on an ’emergency watch’ listing as well as a sex register of the offender. The process is typically conducted using an online background check and can include a credit or credential check.

How to Do Employee Background Checks:

Learn below how to conduct an investigation into your background prior to you employing a new employee and find out tips that will assist you in creating an effective policy for background checks.

Also check out, Employee Background Verification Service by Prufens.

Steps to Take Before Doing Background Checks:

1. Set a consistent policy.

This should be documented with a flow chart to ensure everyone can understand which steps to follow and at what point. The process of background verification that is hazardous can result in legal problems in the event that you’re only applying specific steps to candidates, like performing credit checks only for applicants with specific backgrounds.

2. Get legal advice.

Background checks may uncover sensitive information. Additionally, in certain states, you’re not able to gather certain data as part of a background check. Consult a lawyer to ensure that the background check won’t create legal problems for your business.

3. Give the candidates a chance to correct any mistakes or miscommunications.

Background checks can reveal information that could be inaccurate. Offering candidates the chance to look over their background information could save a good candidate who was exclusions in error.

4. Make use of background check providers that are FCRA in compliance with FCRA.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is very clear about what you are allowed and not permitted to perform during the background check in relation to credit reports. This document gives a good overview of how the information should be viewed from the perspective of the prospective applicant.

The majority of background checks are covered by the FCRA But you need to be aware of various different laws that apply to the background checks, based on the regions and states. For instance, in certain states, you can conduct criminal and credit background checks for all employees. However, in some states however, in other states you are able to only conduct these checks for certain types of employees.

5. Don’t assume that all aspects of the background check are not routine.

Important information is often brought into the most basic procedures of a background investigation. It is important to ensure that hiring managers are attentive to the process and pay close particular attention to the information uncovered.

6. Don’t inquire for details regarding character when you are confirming your previous employment details.

When you begin soliciting opinions, whether it’s about character, attitude, etc. You’re conducting an investigational report on a consumer. This is a federal crime and you’ll need to provide notice to the applicant, provide them with the option of asking for specifics, and then comply with the request. If you require this kind of information, it’s recommended to seek legal advice before you do anything.

What would an initial background check consist of?

1. Criminal record search.

The criminal record is provided for the person applying. Particularly important for security positions or trusts. It is essential to include both documents from the county and national levels.

2. Social Security validation.

Verifies that the applicant’s identity as a social security number is genuine and locates every name that is registered, including aliases and variations and dates of birth and the history of addresses associated with the Social Security number. Employers can determine if the person has lived in unidentified areas or under various aliases. This could reveal criminal records that might not have been discovered otherwise.

3. Check the history of your address.

The report traces previous addresses for the applicant. Knowing the location where a candidate resided makes it easier to check other research and can reveal locations in which criminal background checks must be conducted.

4. Registry checks for sexual offenders.

Important for those in the security of positions This check is provided in the majority of background checks.

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