
The Value of Microsoft 365 for Small Businesses

The range of cloud-native products and services included in Microsoft 365 can enable small businesses to do more with less, and thus extract more value from their organisation.

Small businesses need to find ways to get more out of their time and their personnel, and using the right technology can help with this considerably. Nowadays, all businesses leverage technology and software in their day-to-day workflows, but some solutions are more suitable than others – for example, businesses are increasingly prioritising solutions that provide a diverse array of functions. A good example of this is Microsoft 365 for Business. A company we spoke to that provides managed IT services London companies have used for years stated that Microsoft 365 for Business can bring a lot of value to a small businesses.

What is Microsoft 365 for Business?

Microsoft 365 is a plan offered by Microsoft which contains a number of applications designed for work and productivity. It has been developed over many years, and is now one of Microsoft’s flagship products. The products and services in Microsoft 365 include the following:

  • Word, Excel, PowerPoint – These products were originally part of the Microsoft Office suite, which has now been discontinued. They enable uses to create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
  • Outlook and Exchange – These two products are for emailing. Microsoft Outlook is the client with which users can create and receive emails, along with many other functions. Exchange is an enterprise server which can be used by businesses to enhance the capabilities of Outlook.
  • OneDrive and SharePoint – These two products provide cloud storage solutions for businesses. OneDrive is a personal cloud storage system – business users get 1TB of storage with it. SharePoint is a cloud platform that is suitable for shared storage, among many other functions.

One of the most interesting things about Microsoft 365 is that it is entirely cloud-based. The applications in the suite are all built and hosted in the Microsoft Cloud, meaning they are accessible from anywhere, on any platform, at any time. The only pre-requisite is an internet connection. According to the IT support provider London businesses have received M365 support from, the fact that it is cloud-based makes it easier to deliver remote support.

Why Small Businesses Should Use Microsoft 365

Small businesses are typically under a lot of pressure, and anything that can help make the workload easier is very valuable. Microsoft 365 can do this in a number of ways. Below are some examples of why small businesses should use it…


  1. Complete Business Solution – Microsoft 365 currently offers a complete business productivity solution, which includes communication, productivity, storage, and even security (depending on the plan you purchase). Having all of the necessary tools consolidated into a single suite makes working a lot easier for small businesses.


  1. Protection Against Physical Disasters – The fact that Microsoft 365 is cloud-based means that businesses can protect themselves against physical disasters, such as hardware theft or damage. All of their data can be backed up to the cloud using SharePoint and OneDrive, and all of the apps can be accessed from alternative devices if a user’s primary device is compromised.


  1. Data Security and Control – The company we spoke with provides IT support for Legal firms, and many other organisations that need to uphold strict data governance for their clients. Microsoft 365 has the underlying security and governance to ensure that small businesses remain compliant.


  1. Remote and Hybrid Work – Many small businesses nowadays are turning to remote and hybrid models of work. Microsoft 365 is well placed to enable remote working, because it includes cloud storage for secure access to files, as well as a range of high-quality communication channels.

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